At any given time, I will be working on a half-dozen consulting or development projects. The following list is a representation of pending projects:
All apartment information has been culled by Todd Clarke CCIM as part of the NM Apartment Report Database. Looking for special information? Call us for a specialized Report.
Date | Press | Item |
12/26/99 | Albuquerque Journal | Albuquerque Journal Southern Edition – Hunger and housing. |
11/16/99 | Albuquerque Journal | Editorial – Councilor Armijo – Affordable Housing Need |
11/24/99 | Albuquerque Journal | Editorial – City should let the private sector take care of – Dan Houck |
11/19/99 | Albuquerque Journal | Editorial – Open Door to Affordable Housing – Greg Frost |
11/17/99 | Albuquerque Journal | Editorial – City needs more caring landlords |
11/10/99 | USA Today | USA Today – as Public Housing finds niche? |
11/8/99 | Albuquerque Journal | Editorial – City should purchase Affordable Housing. |
11/3/99 | Albuquerque Journal | Reports – City Council Backs down on acquisition program. |
11/1/99 | City Council | F/S Bill No. O-107, Authorizing Issuance and Sale of Affordable Multi-family Housing Projects, Gross Receipts Tax Revenue Bonds; Including Refunding Bonds for Beach Apartments, Manzano Vista, Blue Water Apartments, International Housing, and Summit Apartments Projects, Series 1999 (Armijo) ACTION DO NOT PASS BY A VOTE OF 7 FOR AND 1 AGAINST |
10/19/99 | Albuquerque Journal | Article – City reconsiders acquistion. |
10/18/99 | City Council | meeting – Affordable Housing is on the Agenda -after some conversation the ordinace was defered until 11/1/99 |
10/4/99 | City Council | meeting – Affordable Housing is on the Agenda. -ordinance was deffered until 10/18/99. |
10/1/99 | Albuquerque Journal | Op-Ed Letter by Councilor Alan Armijo discussing affordable housing. |
09/29/99 | Albuquerque Tribune | Editorial by John McMullan against affordable housing. |
09/24/99 | Albuquerque Tribune | Editorial supporting an Affordable Housing and RFP process. |
09/23/99 | Albuquerque Journal | Editorial Rejects Sole Source to YDI Housing. |
09/20/99 | Albuquerque Journal | Update on YES Housing and affordable housing program. |
09/14/99 | Albuquerque Journal | Report on Finance Committee Meetings. |
9/24/99 Albuquerque Journal supports affordable housing, but not non-profit amendment.
As a board member for Encino Houses, our board has decided that aggresively pursue the acquisition and development of new properties to serve the elderly.
Date | Press | Item |
11/18/99 | Albuquerque Journal | Article – Discussing dire needs of Albuquerque’s Elderly |
10/17/99 | New Mexico Business Weekly | Article – Announcing Encino’s plans. |
8/12/99 – Another salvo is fired – County battles back using NMBW as their spearhead – read the article here .
8/26/99 The Tribune runs a point vs. counterpoint article – Read what the On the best use for Jones Automotive
8/26/99 Journal’s update on the County Commision “listening” session – Read the summary of the conversations held 8/31/99
8/31/99 & 9/1/99 TV KOB 4 , KOAT 7, KRQE 13 – all ran stories at 6pm, 10pm and the morning edition on 8/31 & 9/1
9/1/99 94 Rock -Morning Show – callers are 100% behind Kellys
9/1/99 Jim on the Afternoon show of 770 KOB runs the entire show on this topic – Dennis Bonfaintaine and Commisioner Rutherford square off.
9/2/99 Another editorial by a local neighbor
9/21/99 Kelly’s has officially closed on the property and begun renovations.
9/22/99 Update Article – Kelly’s had closed – County still plans to condemn
9/24/99 The Albuquerque Journal prints an editorial in support of Kelly’s.
9/25/99 Editorial by the Journal – Seller’s made best decision.
9/26/99 Renovations are underway –
9/27/99 TV KOB 4 KOB announces that Kelly’s liquors will be taking the County to court, to obtain a restraining order preventing condemnation.
9/27/99 Larry Ahren’s morning show spent an hour on the pending lawsuit and the County’s special hearing tonight to discuss the issue.
9/27/99 The New Mexico Business Weekly prints an editorial from Todd Clarke CCIM & Terrie Hertweck CCIM of Grubb & Ellis.
9/28/99 New Mexico Business Weekly prints an editorial from Todd Clarke CCIM & Terrie Hertweck CCIM, as representatives of the sellers.
9/28/99 The Albuquerque Journal reports that Kelly’s takes the County to court to seek an injuction delaying the County’s condemnation.
9/29/99 Jim broadcasts his show live from the new building.
9/29/99 The Albuquerque Journal Business Section covers the story – judge does not give Kelly’s injuction to prevent the County from condmneing the property.
10/1/99 The Albuquerque Journal prints an editorial from Todd Clarke CCIM & Terrie Hertweck CCIM, as representatives of the sellers.
10/1/99 94 Rock -Morning Show – broadcast live at the new bldg. – asks the County to back off.
10/1/99 Larry Ahrens spends the show discussing the Grubb & Ellis editorial
10/2/99 The Albuquerque Journal Editorial Takes the County Commission to task for abusing condemnation powers.
Mini Editorial – Property Grab Appalling – As I READ and listen to the accounts of the (Jones Motor Co. building) controversy, I am appalled at the actions of our elected county officials. Their under-handed, power-happy, vindictive approach does not reflect the opinions of the majority of their constituents. Since when does county government have any business confronting the efforts of an entrepreneur to make an honest living? Maybe it’s time to reconsider the merger of the city and county governments.and send county (officials) to an early retirement. Dennis Mansell – Albuquerque
10/14/99 The Albuquerque Journal Annouces The County has purchased a Facade Easement from Kelly’s for $80,000 – preserving the outside intergrity and historical value of the building – followup stories on 770KOB, and Channel 4 News.
10/18/99 The Albuquerque Journal Editorial Hoist Beer Mugs to the new Nob Hill Partners! – Thanks both parties for a successful resolution.
12/30/99 The Albuquerque Journal Reports The County plans to spend their money elsewhere – but wants to wait and be sure that Kelly’s is finished.
The City of Albuquerque has designated the area outlined in this map as an area that is in need of redevelopment.
The following link provides you with a detailed inventory of activity in this area .
Click here to review The CAT Team Meeting Notes from 11/4/99 .
Click here to download an Excel spreadsheet containing a list of Expenditures on these projects. Albuquerque Journal – Runs an article on a landlord in the area highlighting who has a problem property.
area .
The Albuquerque Journal ran an article highlighting one of the programs in this area sponsored by GHAP Harrison Higgins of Planning Technologies, Bill Moy of the Star Group and Todd Clarke CCIM of Grubb & Ellis|Lewinger Hamilton Inc. , have been selected to assist the City of Albuquerque in designing a action plan to take to assist with redevelopment in this area. Check back during the next few weeks for updates on meetings and other info as the plan unfolds.
Downtown Albuquerque is one of the last of the major metropolitan areas to undergo a significant renovation and re-gentrification. As such, it can assimilate the best other markets renovations, while avoiding the costly mistakes made in some markets.
The Government of the City of Albuquerque has decided to take a proactive stance on redeveloping downtown. In the 1980’s and early 1990’s the City of Albuquerque assembled miscellaneous small lots in the downtown area with the intent of assembling these parcels into larger developable tracts of land, or redeveloping smaller pieces into “niche” real estate that serves both the needs of the community and the surrounding neighborhood.
Rendering of Tesch Developments winning project.
11/10/99 Article on Downtown Housing as covered in The NM Business Weekly
11/01/99 Article on Downtown Housing as covered in The Albuquerque Journal
10/19/99 The Bonds and development deal are approved at the City Council Meeting on 10/18 as convered in The Albuquerque Journal
9/20/99 The Bonds are scheduled to be approved on the City Council’s Agenda on 10/4/99
September 13, 1999 – at the Finance Committee Meeting – Bill No. O-111, Authorizing Issuance and Sale of Metropolitan Redevelopment Bonds (Villa de San Felipe Apartments Project) Series 1999 to Provide Funds to Finance a 160-Unit Affordable Housing Apartment Complex (Hundley) Recommendation that it be sent to the full Council Without Recommendation By a vote of 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST
Update – June 1999 – Villa de San Felipe is awarded Housing Tax Credits for development.
Update – May 1999 – Downtown Housing – Albuquerque Tribune – May 10, 1999
Update – December 1998 – Tesch awarded contract over Armstrong Brothers
December 1997 – Market Study Info Completed by Todd Clarke CCIM
The following information is pulled directly from the Market/Feasibility Study performed for the City on downtown housing for this site:

02/05/00 Latest update on Manaul Arts dilemna The Albuquerque Journal
11/10/99 Article on Downtown Housing as covered in The NM Business Weekly
11/01/99 Article on Downtown Housing as covered in The Albuquerque Journal
9/20/99 The Development Agreement is on the Consent Agenda for Final Approval on City Council’s Agenda on 10/18/99 and is approved on the consent agenda
9/20/99 The Development Agreement is slated for Approval on City Council’s Agenda on 10/4/99
9/20/99 The Tribune runs an update article on
September 1999 Update – Albuquerque Journal Editorial – Endorsing the structure of OAHS. The Mayor’s press conference announcing the completion of negotiations with our team who was represented by Rick Davis – and the Albuquerque Journal followed up with a small editorial on the deal, recommeding City Coucil Approval. The Council will take action on Bill No. R-258, Approving Development Agreement for Old Albuquerque High School and Appropriating Funds for Redevelopment (Hundley) ( Here is the agenda for the 9/20/99 meeting Meanwhile, the Albuquerque Journal ran a supporting editorial
July 1999 Update – Our development team and the City are currently negotiating a development agreement for the project, and working to reduce the total development cost. It is anticipated that the development could be in front of the City Council by this fall for approval.
December 1998 Update – It’s confirmed – the City Council voted in Paradigm as the developer for the project. Team members include Rob Dickson of Paradigm, Dekker/Perich/Sabitini, Robin Miller, Las Colinas Realty, Jeff Hagen of Platinum Properties, Rick Davis from the Davis Group, and Todd Clarke CCIM from Grubb & Ellis|Lewinger Hamilton Inc.
June 1998 Some 20 years after its last use, the City of Albuquerque has gained control of a majority of the buildings on the old high school campus. After a length selection process, the City is in final portion of Stage II of the RFP – selection of developer to save the school. As the RFP process prohibits anying lobbying for either developer, and as I am on one of the development teams, the information on this conversion will be limited until such time as the City selects a final developer – please comeback in the future (maybe early Oct.) for updates.
June 1999 – The developer/buyer of the site – Kaufman & Broad has been selected to receive 9% low income housing tax credits for the site. Closing is scheduled for November 1999 with construction to begin shortly thereafter. The community is planned to have 96 units (in Phase I) and will be tenatively called Aspen Plaza.
January 1999 – Through negotiations between our office and the Sacremento Grubb & Ellis Office – The seller (Lovelace Research Institute) puts together a deal using our feasibility study with Kaufman & Broad Multi-Housing Group to develop the site for multi-family using tax credits.
December 1998 – We are currently wrapping up a due-dilligence report and market study on the one of last prime parcels of Apartment Land for development. Located just north of the Gibson entrance to KAFB, and on Louisiana this 5.8 acre parcel of land is due north of the new Vietnam Veterans Memorial and South of the Phil Chacon Police Station. Please comeback to this page in the next couple of weeks for more information on Albuquerque’s newest Retirment Style Apartment Community.
Albuquerque Journal Article (12/19/99) – City Council denies approval of a home/office townhouse project that complies with R-70 intiatives
Albuquerque’s largest Infill project? Downtown – click here for more
NE Heights Infill – one solution is to allow the City to purchase and redevelop the property as was done with this parcel located on the SEC of Montgomery and Spanish Bit (just east of Tramwway).
- Albuquerque Police Department – Far NE Heights Substation
What do you do when you have recently foreclosed on a parcel of land that has two different zonings (commercial and parking), is partially encumbered by several different easements, is located close to a strong neighborhood association (who are against developing anything) and is habitated by several hundred ground hogs?Easy – hire Todd Clarke to market the parcel. In less than one year, he sold the parcel for AEGON USA to the City of Albuquerque for the FAR NE Heights substation, at list price. The above is a rendering of the Albuquerque Police Department’s substation that is scheduled to be built this year.
(Special thanks to Councilor Tim Cummins for making this site happen).
Additional Info: Call Todd Clarke CCIM (505) 883-7676 Fax: (505) 837-1944
Address: 2340 Menaul NE Suite 200 Albuquerque NM 87107
Information compiled from the Database of Todd Clarke CCIM and is © of Todd Clarke CCIM and NM Apartment Report